Is your website attracting your ideal customer?

Is Your Website Attracting Your Ideal Customer?

Written by | Tagged Branding and Identity, Digital Marketing, Tips, Web Design, Web Development, Websites,

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We all know how critical your website is for your company’s online presence.

Every element, from your headers to your call-to-action and even your navigation structure, play a role in whether or not a potential customer will take action.

That’s why your website should be built with one goal in mind: to convert visitors into customers.

So, what’s the secret behind these high-converting websites? And how can you tell if yours was designed with the singular goal of attracting your ideal customer?

Read on to find out!

What your website is not

To understand the full power of your website, it’s best to start by talking about what your website is not.

Your website is not the Cheesecake Factory menu.

If you’ve never been to the Cheesecake Factory, suffice it to say that their menu is “overwhelming.” In fact, they have a total of 250 menu items, all of which they claim to make from scratch daily.

Does this set off a few alarms in your head?

Do you start to wonder how on earth they could source fresh ingredients for 250 menu items every single day, let alone be ready to make each one at a moment’s notice?

You don’t want to broadcast your “250 menu items” on your website. You want to tell your audience the high-level THING that you do very well that will keep them coming back (or, as it were, motivate them to get in touch with you).

This can feel counter-intuitive. You know your business, and you know how much you’re capable of. It’s tempting to give each and every service a spotlight on your site. But your audience doesn’t know your business like you do. In fact, seeing in-depth detail about everything you do can actually overwhelm and confuse them. And if your website visitor feels overwhelmed and confused, they’re probably going to leave.

What your website is

Okay, so if your website is not the place to list everything you do, then what is it?

It’s simple, really.

Your website is a sales tool to connect you to your prospects and customers.

That’s it.

If you’re an e-commerce brand, your website should very simply and efficiently build the value of your brand while leading people towards your online store. If you’re selling a B2B service, your website needs to connect visitors to your sales team. Your website is not meant to do the selling for them. After all, if websites were great at selling services on their own, we wouldn’t need salespeople anymore. But that simply isn’t the case. The purpose of your site is to get people interested enough in your services to contact you. Then, it’s up to your team to close the deal.

Solve the problem people think they have (not the one you know they have)

If you want your prospect to be motivated enough to contact you, you need to convince them that you can solve their problem.

But here’s where good intentions can lead companies down the wrong path.

Remember, you are an expert in your field and your customer isn’t. Oftentimes, this translates to customers looking to resolve the symptom of a problem without fully recognizing the problem itself.

Let’s say you’re an IT company, and a customer comes to you because their company server is extremely slow.

As an IT expert, you may immediately recognize that the REAL issue is that they’re using outdated cloud software or a subpar VPN system or an unreliable server.

But the customer doesn’t know what any of that means. They just know that their company server is slow, and they want someone to fix it.

If that same IT company advertises cloud software upgrades and VPN enhancements and server updates, the customer won’t know what any of it means. And they won’t care. But if that IT company advertises that they can help solve the hassle of dealing with a slow company server, bingo! The customer will recognize that this company can solve their problem.

This brings us back around to the goal of your website: motivating the customer to get in touch with you. Your website should tell them that you can solve their problem. And then your sales team can tell them all the details.

How we build websites that are irresistible to customers

Does your website connect you with your customers? Does it compel them to take action?

If it doesn’t, we’re here to help! At Rosenberg Advertising, we know a thing or two about crafting websites that drive sales.

Our process is simple: we meet with you to discuss what’s working and what isn’t, come up with a plan just for you, then our powerhouse team of marketing maniacs gets to work on creating the website your business deserves.

Want to learn more? Check out our work and contact us today!

From branding and traditional marketing to websites and other forms of digital advertising, we do it all—and then some! See our latest client projects.


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