With so much uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus pandemic, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, confused, and downright stressed as we navigate the unknown. Luckily, the nature of our business allows us to remain open for business at full strength and speed. The Rosenberg Advertising team is able to seamlessly work from home, delivering every service we provide from any location.
The seriousness of COVID-19 is not lost on us. We are continually monitoring the situation and doing whatever it is that we have to do to keep our employees safe while providing the same level of service our clients deserve. It means replacing in-person meetings with tools like Slack and Zoom. It means trading in our jeans for Rosenberg-branded joggers. And, for now, it means cozying up at home with our pets who have never been happier (except for our office dog, Abby, who misses us and her daily garbage hunts through the office dearly).
It’s definitely different and not something we’re completely used to yet. And, in case you’re still getting used to exclusively working from home, too, our team has some tips for making it the best (and most productive!) experience possible. We’re all in this together!
Dual monitors, a separate keyboard, and a real mouse! I can technically work on just my laptop, but I feel way more productive and happy working with my normal setup.
Find ways to stay in touch with your team! Whether it’s email, text, Zoom, Slack, etc., keeping that human connection helps mitigate loneliness. And don’t be afraid to talk about non-work topics to replace coffee-maker/water-cooler chit chat. GIFs encouraged!
Accept help if it is available (and safe to do so!). Letting my kids hang with my mother-in-law on Monday allowed me to get organized and prepared for the week. Breaks allow me to be a better mom and a better employee! When your kids are home, take advantage of the free resources that lots of websites and organizations are offering (Greylen watching CMC story time videos on Facebook!).
Dave S.
The setup I have at home is almost identical to my setup at work . . . same computer and all. Since we already work at home one day a week, this doesn’t seem weird at all, just business as usual. And the fireplace doesn’t hurt, either. Oh and, stay away from the dang kitchen! I’m projecting here because I really struggle with this.
Give yourself normal breaks to stand up, eat lunch, or move around for a few minutes. It’s easy to lose track of all time when you’re working alone.
Because the reason we’re working from home isn’t normal, my best tip right now is to take it one day at a time. Things are too crazy right now to look too far ahead.
Make adjustments for any furry friends, kids, or other family members that will be at home with you. Not only is it a change for us, but it’s also a change for them so it’s important to take that into consideration. For me, I’m going to try to take Kelso on a short walk during lunch and take short breaks throughout the day to check on/pet/snuggle with him. Most of the time though, he’s situated right underneath my dining room table.
Follow a routine and get out of your pajamas, try to get some fresh air at some point, and make contact with coworkers to talk about something besides work. That always helps me to feel like I have contact with the outside world. Finally, try to maintain a similar setup at home so it feels like you are picking up from where you left off at the office.
Get comfy, but not too comfy – when I wake up, I immediately change out of my PJs and into my Rosenberg branded joggers and hoodie! As for my setup, there’s some work I can get done on the couch with my laptop, but most of the time, I focus better when I’m at my desk with a dual monitor.
Because we already work from home one day a week, we were already prepared to do so. It was nice not having to worry and scramble to figure out what to do. As a general tip, make sure to have a workspace you enjoy at home!
My advice is simple. Business as usual . . . in an unusual circumstance. Each day, we are thrown curve balls and our job is to adapt and figure out the best solution. It is important to keep that same focused approach wherever we are. As far as my office, I’m working from “our” home office ALONE. Someone needs to collect the mail and our plants aren’t going to water themselves.
My tip is for all of the parents that will be working at home while having kids home too. Create a schedule to keep everyone on track and to be as productive as possible. Plan ahead and create activities to keep your kids busy while you are working. Here’s the Leprechaun Trap that my kids made this week.
We’re all navigating this together the best we can. Don’t forget to wash your hands!