No matter your industry, no matter the size of your business, we can say with confidence that you need a good, current website. Even if you don’t think you do, you do. Especially in 2021. Read on to find out why the digital experience is more important than ever.
Your website could be someone’s only impression of you
Especially right now, a digital experience may be a customer’s only experience with your company. As such, your website should give the consumer the feeling of visiting your storefront or office. If someone were to come see you in person, would you want to appear modern, professional, prepared, and knowledgeable or would you be okay with outdated practices and broken furniture? It all starts on your website!
You’ll never be “closed for business” with the right website
2020 forced a lot of businesses to close their doors, some for a few weeks and some for a lot longer. Without the right website, those businesses were legitimately closed – no sales, no revenue, no customer experience. However, with the right website, some businesses were able to pivot and experience even greater success by offering certain goods, services, and information online. Maintaining your digital presence and offering what your customers need at their fingertips means you’re always open 24/7/365.
Shopping patterns have changed
The way people shop has been continuously changing since the start of the internet but 2020 brought a whole new level of change. Consumers who had never before shopped online suddenly were forced to. Even everyday tasks, such as grocery shopping or a weekly Target run, went digital. Now, many are used to doing things from the comfort of their own home, and some may intend to keep it that way. Businesses need to be able to think outside the box – could you be offering more to your online visitors?
You own and control your website
The digital landscape is constantly changing – one day search engines might change their algorithm, the next day a new social platform may emerge, and the following week, the ad network you use may roll out a major update. Each day is different, which can make things interesting but frustrating. Your website is one of the only platforms that you can own and control. That’s not to say that every platform isn’t beneficial to a holistic marketing strategy (spoiler alert – they are!) but your website can remain constant while other things may shift.